Hilarious | Student Nurse Catheter Story

Monday, December 28, 2015

If you're a nursing student reading this, or even a nurse, you know you've been there! I know I have. It was my first semester in nursing school when my clinical instructor asked me if I wanted to put in a catheter for a female patient. I thought, "I got this!" and enthusiastically agreed. I got straight A's in A&P and thought I knew the human body head-to-toe. Umm... no. Do you know where the female urethra is?! Luckily my instructor wasn't the one described in this video, but it still didn't stop the embarrassment I felt at that time.

Take a look at this video and enjoy the laugh. And if you are a nursing student currently, don't feel discouraged if this has or will happen to you - hopefully it won't.

DIY | Flower Wall Art

With the little bit of free time that I have between fall and spring semesters, I decided to take this opportunity to jazz up the bedroom. I have absolutely no wall art on my walls. As you can imagine, it looks very boring. You should also know that I like to recycle and use everything to its fullest potential. No wasting going on in this house! From all the years of making greeting cards and other various art projects, I had stacks of left over scrap paper. I also had several canvas's laying around just itching to be put to use. And this is what I came up with. Enjoy.

What to Expect from This Blog

If you’ve read my about me you will already know that I am a nursing student. Nursing student equates to having no life. Although I have no life, that doesn’t mean I don’t have creativity seeping from my pores – or at least the desire to create.
I just finished up my first year of nursing. I have become an expert in time management, but I still haven’t found a way to sneak in some time for my creative side. I have a full art room just calling my name. I look upon my art room from my living room while studying, yearning to be covered in paint, glue, and what have you. I plan to go far in my education which means I have several years to go, so I have to make sure I get my artsy fix every now and then! It’s become my mission.
I thought if I had a blog to chronicle my projects that I would feel more obliged to commit to this mission. We’ll see! I have a YouTube channel that I started several years ago. There are about 16 videos already posted. I started off with crochet videos, but my channel transitioned onto other crafts. (I don’t like to get stuck in one area of my creativity!) The editing process I’m still learning, so I’m not the best, but I believe I’ve come a long way since my first video – sorta. At least the quality is a bit better!
I’m technically on a break from school right now, but not really. I am taking a winter intersession class. But I do have much more free time than I would if I were in my regular nursing semester. I plan on putting up at least one more video, if not two, onto YouTube. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, you can check back and see what videos I’ve already posted.
Check out My YouTube Channel. Thanks for stopping by! And more importantly, don’t forget to laugh, love and create! Life is too short.
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