Hilarious | Student Nurse Catheter Story

Monday, December 28, 2015

If you're a nursing student reading this, or even a nurse, you know you've been there! I know I have. It was my first semester in nursing school when my clinical instructor asked me if I wanted to put in a catheter for a female patient. I thought, "I got this!" and enthusiastically agreed. I got straight A's in A&P and thought I knew the human body head-to-toe. Umm... no. Do you know where the female urethra is?! Luckily my instructor wasn't the one described in this video, but it still didn't stop the embarrassment I felt at that time.

Take a look at this video and enjoy the laugh. And if you are a nursing student currently, don't feel discouraged if this has or will happen to you - hopefully it won't.


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